Home Visits

If you require an urgent home visit, please phone the surgery before 10:30am, and give the receptionist an idea of what the problem is. This helps the doctor to see the most urgent cases first and plan the calls efficiently.

As home visits are for those patients too ill to attend surgery, please only request a home visit if you (or the person you are calling on behalf of) is too ill or frail to attend the Practice. Please remember the doctor can see four patients in the time it takes to make one house call.

The doctor may arrange for the patient to be brought to the surgery so that its full facilities are available for tests and treatment. It is not possible to request a specific doctor for a home visit.

Please give clear directions so the doctor can locate your house. If you have an outside light, please ensure that it is switched on during the hours of darkness. Also, if you have a dog that is not familiar with visitors, please ensure that they are securely locked away.