Patient’s Charter Standards

These are local standards set within this Practice for the benefit of our patients.

Our Responsibilities to you

  • You will be treated with courtesy and respect by all Practice personnel.
  • You have the right to book the appointment with choice of GP, please tell the receptionist when booking appointment.
  • An urgent appointment with a Doctor or Nurse Practitioner will be available on the same day.
  • Our standard is to see 80% of patients within 20 minutes of their appointment time. If you have waited longer than this please ask our Reception Staff for an explanation.
  • We aim to answer the telephone within six rings.
  • An appointment with a Practice Nurse will be available within three working days.
  • Requests for repeat prescriptions will be dealt with within 48 hours.
  • All comments and suggestions about the service are welcome. Please use the box provided in the waiting area.
  • If you have a complaint please speak to any member of staff. Your complaint will be dealt with in a professional and efficient manner.
  • We wish to make the Practice as accessible as possible. If you have hearing, visual or physical difficulties please let our Reception Staff know, so that we can enable you to fully use our services.
  • Further information can be found in the ‘Practice and Patient Charter’.

Patient responsibilities

  • To arrive on time for you appointment.
  • Inform the practice if you cannot make your appointment or your appointment is no longer necessary.
  • If you are late for your appointment you may be asked to rebook at another time. Try to let us know in advance if you are going to be unavoidably delayed, so that we can make alternative arrangements to help you.
  • Understanding that an appointment is for one person only and that other members of your family require separate appointments.
  • A home visit should only be requested for those who are unable to come to the surgery because of serious illness or infirmity. Please ring the surgery before 10:30am if at all possible.
  • An urgent appointment is for an urgent medical problem. Please speak to our Reception Staff if you require a sick note or repeat prescription.
  • We would ask you to be patient if the Doctor is running late. This is often due to unforeseeable emergencies but please ask for an explanation from the Receptionist.
  • Please ask for out of surgery hours or night visit only when you feel it is fully necessary and patient cannot wait until next normal surgery opening time.
  • Please act in a responsible and courteous manner whilst on the Practice premises for the safety and comfort of others.
  • Please treat all surgery staff, fellow patients, carers and visitors politely and with respect. Violence or verbal harassment will not be tolerated or accepted.

If you are violent or abusive, you will be warned to stop your behaviour. If you persist, we may exercise our right to take action and have you removed, immediately if necessary, from our list of patients and asked to register at another surgery. In some cases, where necessary, the Practice will involve the police.